Hoon Hay, Christchurch
January 2021 - Current
Christchurch City Council
The Eastmans Low Flow Channel and Halswell Downs Stormwater Wetlands are located within a cluster of CCC owned properties east of Halswell and form part of the wider Eastman Wetland facility, which aims to reduce flooding in the Heathcote River.
The Low Flow Channel is approximately 650 meters long and will convey the water from Hoon Hay Basin and Sutherlands Basin (Hoon Hay Valley Catchment) into the Eastman Outlet Channel (formerly known as Milns Drain).
Halswell Downs Wetland is required to treat attenuated stormwater runoff from the adjacent Halswell Downs subdivision. The wetland will be bunded along its south-eastern side by an isolation bund.

Project Scope
Eastmans Low Flow Channel works includes:
Site establishment
Site clearance, including removal and disposal of existing vegetation, stormwater structures, fences
Setout and survey of works
Excavation of approximately 3000 cubic metres to form the channel to form the channels
Tie-ins to existing waterways, including ecological oversight
Formation of maintenance and access tracks on either side of the channel
Surfacing of the maintenance tracks and access tracks
Grass establishment and planting along the newly formed waterway.
Halswell Downs Wetland:
An earth bund constructed from a combination imported gravel fill and site won material
Permanent diversion of an existing drain into the Wetland and reconnection with the existing drain downstream of the bund
Installation of culverts
Installation of inlet and outlet connections
Cut to fill/raise sections to create island, mid-pond, forebay and outlet ponds
Installation of a gravel access track around the wetland
A combination of native planting and grass for the wetland and drain banks, bund and the earthworks areas.
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